
Tribunal Rebukes Turkish President Erdogan For War Crimes Against His Own People

Mar 18, 2018  |   هەواڵەکانی پەی 

tatement supported by 200 organisations and individuals:


Kurdistan Parliament Presidency

All parliamentary blocs

Head of Council of Ministers

All political parties

Independent High Electoral and Referendum Commission

Consular representatives of all countries in KRG

Your Excellencies: it is the duty of all sides we should select a date for the election; please stop this silence and lagging towards the law in the region:

First, Legally:

1. According to paragraph (1) in Article (1) of the distribution of power of Kurdistan region presidency and in compliance with paragraph (2) in Article (10) in Kurdistan presidency law, the Council of Ministers in the region should select a date for election. (1)

2. According to a law issued by the Kurdistan parliament it extended its the term of per number (1) in 2017 from 6/11/2017 to 6/11/2018 of which less than 8 months remains.

3. According to the law, the election must be held before 6/9/2018.

Second: The electoral commission and the electoral register:

According to the election commission regulation 180 days are needed for election preparation, while up until now we don’t have a clean electoral register and all the parties demand the register to be cleaned and some of the parties make this as a prerequisite for holding a free and fair election. It is worth noting that they haven’t started the process of cleaning it. For those political parties that show their readiness for the election, they should have taken all means to clean the electoral register before selecting a date for an election as well as allocating a budget for that end.

According to law no. (2) of 2017, the power of Kurdistan region presidency is given to the prime minister.

According to the law, therefore, the date of election should have been set on 6/3/2018 and a budget must have been allocated to that end.

The speaker submitted his resignation according to parliament by-law and right after the approval of the resignation a new speaker should have been elected. Therefore, currently the sessions are baseless. Apart from this the speaker of the parliament is a candidate for the Iraqi parliamentary elections; this obliges the parliament to approve his resignation, and consequently this will bring forth the paralysis of parliament once again.


Third: Politically:

On 12/5/2018, Iraqi parliamentary elections will be held and after that a new government will be formed through which Kurds should try to get Kurds’ rights, whereas Kurds have a government from which most political parties withdrew except for the PUK, PDK and the Turkmens. Approximately, 13 acting ministers are running their ministries after the resignation of the ministers.

While the date of an election is set for Iraqi parliamentary election, if the date of an election is not set in Kurdistan region for the Kurdistan parliament alongside the Iraqi parliamentary election, there is a high possibility that the parties’ votes will decrease dramatically in the upcoming election. If they don’t set an election date, there is a chance that political disputes will be palpable among the political parties.

If the Kurds are not unified, the interest of Kurds in the Iraqi parliament will be jeopardized, since out of 329 seats only 56 seats are allotted to Kurds, including Kirkuk. To get these 56 seats, 20 political parties are competing and the situation is not in favor of the people of Kurdistan.

PDK is holding the parliament presidency, head of government, election commission and according to a law it has been given the power of the Kurdistan presidency, through which has the power to set the date for an election. After they sent official letter to the parliament twice and they have convened with the parliament and the election commission twice, a question come to our mind: why hasn’t he allocated a budget for an election? Why he hasn’t set a date for an election?

PUK has announced that to have a free and fair election there must be a clean electoral register; while they participate in the parliament presidency, government headship, and election commission presidency, they haven’t taken any practical step to allocate a budget and a date for an election.

The Gorran Movement, Islamic Union and Islamic Group each announced that they are ready for an election on condition of having a clean electoral register and they have representatives in parliament and on the election commission but they also didn’t take any practical steps which they should have done to set a date for election on 6/3/2018.

Other political parties in the political arena have prepared themselves to have a list in the future parliament of Kurdistan, such as the Coalition for Democracy and Justice, New Generation, other political parties like the Communist Party, Islamic Movement, Toilers Party, Socialist Party, etc.

Political parties that entered the political arena and who attended to have electoral lists in the next parliament in the region, such as the Alliance for Democracy and Justice, the New Generation, and other political parties such as the Communist Party, the Islamic Movement, the Labor Party, the Social Democratic Party and other parties, also haven’t taken any practical steps and did not have any positions for the holding a free and fair elections on time.

The electoral law has not been amended, the budget has not been allocated for the elections, no date has been set for the elections, and if there is no date for the elections to be held a month ago and no allocation the special budget for its actions and these measures have not been taken. It is certain that the legal period of Parliament will be extended again by the influential parties and the date of the elections will be postponed or elections are not in accordance with the required criteria which caused the creation of problems and crises for the citizens of the region and cut off their livelihood and created dozens of other crises, and as a result, this government will not be able to protect the rights of citizens in the face of the Iraqi government.

As we are civil society organizations, intellectuals and academics in the Kurdistan region, we declare that the current situation, which is witnessing the postponement of the elections and the non-organization of party conferences and the end of the legal period, the institutions of legitimacy and the existence of large corruption and the economic crisis and poor economic conditions of the citizens of the Kurdistan region, which are not consistent with the course of international policies and that the international community supports The changes are in line with the wishes of the Kurdish people. Therefore, we call for speeding up the date of the elections in order to respect the laws, cleanse the voters register, form a new government in the region and allocate the required budget for the elections so that the electoral commission can begin its practical procedures and monitor and hold accountable the work of the Commission. And that this task lies with the five main parties, which formed the Electoral Commission and constitute a majority in Parliament in particular, being the only option to overcome the crises and the holding of fair and legal elections, and in this sense, we draw this note formally to all parties and we are waiting for a response from them and to know all the citizens of the region, which parties are keen to carry out reforms and solutions, with the holding of elections in real, and what parties do not want to hold elections and find solutions to the problems and crises in the region.

Names of participating organizations:


1. Pay Institute for Education and Development (PAY)

2. Kurdistan Legal Development Institute (ILDK)

3. Reform Institute for Development (RID)

4. Center for Democratic Development and Human Rights (DHRD)

5. Women’s Legal Cooperation Organization (WOLA)

6. Kurdish Institute for Elections (KIE)

7. Standard Media Foundation.

8. NGO Coalition Network (which includes 27 organizations)

9. Halabja Organization Network (comprising 25 organizations)

10. START Network (which includes 3 organizations)

11. Leader Leadership Development Network (which includes five organizations)

12. The Peace Generation Network (which includes 10 organizations)

13. The constructive network of Garmian organizations (which includes seven organizations)

14. The Justice Network for Detainees (which includes 40 organizations)

15. Idea Organization for Democracy and Community Awareness

16 – Kurdish-English academia for Education and Training

17. Halwest Organization

18- Kurdistan for All (KEODD)

19. Organization of the Capital of Peace

20. STOP to combat corruption

21. Gayandan Organization for Democratic Activities and Human Rights

22. Mali-Sarkoten Organization for Capacity Development

23. NAWIN International Relations (NIIR)

24.Dang Radio

25. The National Center for Human Rights

26. Scala Organization for Women’s Affairs

27. Deeman Organization for Social Issues

28. Bradost Institute for Development (BID)

29. Chawi Zanko Organization

30. Kordo Zanst Organization for Democracy and Human Rights

31. Kurdistan Economic Development Organization (KEDO)

32. Mediterranean Institute for Regional Research

33. Ronia Awareness and Health Organization

34- Wise organization for education

35. Lisa Human Development Organization

36. Bradstead Tourism Organization

37- Srouri Organization in Halabja

38. Nuwa Organization for the Protection of the Environment and Women’s Rights

39.Future Organization

40 General Geography Organization in Kurdistan

41. Bidari Organization

42. HEWA Organization

43. Nishtemani Kurd Organization

44- Representatives of Sulaymaniyah in Kurdistan Nature Organization

45. Youth Development Center

46. Cord-Mad Organization for Cultural and Democratic Development

47 – the group of the lost

48. The Aristotelian Organization

49. Pekoizian Organization

50. Enough Organization

51.Educational Development Organization

52.Merouf Dust for Cultural Development

53. Organization for community education

54. Cozain Development Organization

55. Daou Organization for Freedoms and Human Rights

56. Lopi Institute for Democratic Development

57. Youth and Students Club (SYEO)

58. Organization for Environmental Protection

59. AMC for the Anfal

60. Community Culture Organization

61. Dabeen Organization for Democratic Development and Human Rights

62. Dawaruz organization for the preparation of women leaders

63 – Barbadian organization of youth capabilities

64. Azmun Organization AOCD

65. Sina Research and Development Organization

66. Bwar Center for Political and Strategic Research

67. Free Press Organization for Defense, Innovation and Training in the Field of Media

68.Silv Health Development and Education

69.Dostaiti Development and Human Support Organization

70. Elham organization for the development of children’s abilities

71. Organization visited to defend freedoms

72. Raile Organization for Training and Human Development

73. Organization for the pursuit of justice

74. Alon Karafi Group

75. Organization of donors of bodies in the Kurdistan region

76. Union of Muslim Sisters

77. Defense of Universities and Institutes

78. Political and political development

79. Friends of Environment in Karamian

80. Peace and Rights Organization

81. Sarez Charitable Organization

82. Jawakee-Honri Organization

83. An organization dedicated to the development of the environment

84.Schiller Environmental Tourism Development

85. Youth Education Organization

86. HEWA Health Organization

87. Organization for Humanitarian Cooperation

88. Cat Center for Culture and Youth Training

89. Organization for the Protection of the Environment

90. Dahinan Organization for All

91. MAP Organization

92. Organization of Human Rights in Kurdistan

93. Transparency organization to fight corruption

94. Holh Organization for the Investigation of Crimes

95. Jaumeer Organization for Democracy and Human Rights

96. Adan Organization for Community Development

97. KODDHR (Dog for Democracy and Human Rights)

98. Hazeri King Foundation for the Development of Democracy and Human Rights (HGODHRD)

99 Organization of the individual site

100.Darijah Organization for Environmental Protection and Water Resources

Names of Individuals:

Paiman Azaddin- Lawyer

Masud Abdul Khaliq- Head of Standard Organization

Dr. Sarwar Abdul-Rahman Omer- Lecturer

Kamal Rauf-Journalist

Kardo Muhammad- Former MP

Dr. Khamosh Omer-Lecturer

Jawad Saeed- Parliament Advisor

Dr. Dler Ahmed Hamad- Parliament Advisor

Muhamd Sharazoori-Former MP

JUtiar Majeed-Former MP

Dr. Dana Saeed Sofi-Former MP

Khaman Zrar- Former MP

Razaw Mahmud Faraj- Former MP

Shawnm Muhamad Gharib- Former MP

Adnan Osman- Former MP

Kamal Chomani-Writer and journalist

Shwan Sabir Mustafa- Lawyer and Civil Activist

Hiwa Ali- Civil Activist

Shilan Ali- Civil Activist

Hemn Anwar Jawhar- Civil Activist

Shokhan Raza- Civil Activist

Omed Qaradaxi- researcher and lecturer

Bahra Hama Rash- Civil Activist and journalist

Arez Dara- Media employee and Civil Activist

Farman Rashad- Civil Activist

Dastan Jahfar- Civil Activist

Aram Sardar- journalist and Civil Activist

Rebin Fatah-Journalist

Younis Hamad- Civil Activist

Darun Najeeb- Civil Activist

Deren Ali- Civil Activist

Ibrahim Abbas- Civil Activist

Sewa Fatih- Civil Activist

Aso Qadir Abdullah- Civil Activist

Jiahd Hawez- Civil Activist

Ahmed jamil- lawyer and Civil Activist

Ako Abdulmajeed-teacher

Dr. Ismail Najmaddin- lecturer

Asoso Namiq Brakhas-lecturer

Faris Murad hamasheen- teacher and Civil Activist

Bakhan Jahfar- Civil Activist

Fatah Hassan Qalani-teacher and Civil Activist

Kakaziad Hamad Abdullah- Civil Activist

Hogir Abdulrahman Saeed- Civil Activist

Hissam Barzinji- Civil Activist

Hemn Mamand-journalist Civil Activist

Majid Khalil- lecturer

Jegir Bradosti- Civil Activist

Qaraman Khoshnaw- Civil Activist

Sakar Aziz Rashid-lecturer

Bahroz Jahfar- Civil Activist

Ahmed Kawani- lawyer

Sardar Ali- lawyer

Saeed Maulud- lecturer

Naji Omer Ismail- Civil Activist

Lezan Abubakir- Civil Activist

Fareed Farhad-Lawyer and Civil Activist

Rezhna Majeed- Civil Activist

Baban Jahfar- Civil Activist

Rebeen Sabah- Lawyer and Civil Activist

Sarteep Khalis-lecturer

Khoshi Osman- lecturer

Dr. Tahseen Shafeeq Hissein-lecturer

Rebeen Ghareeb Nuri-lecturer

Shwan Assad Qadir- lecturer

Chro Osman- lecturer

Dr. Kawan Salahaddin Osman- lecturer

Gona Osman faris- lecturer

Shakir Mahmud Ahmed- lecturer

Banaz Hama Rasheed- lecturer

Aras Masud Ismail- lecturer

Dr. Sabah Muhamad Barzinji- Former MP and lecturer

Nizar Lateef- lecturer

Lana Abdulhamid Muhamad- lecturer

Rebaz Kamal Ghareeb- Civil Activist

Sarwat Muhamad Abdulkarim- Civil Activist

Qaisar Rahman- Civil Activist

Iqbal Ghafar- Civil Activist

Farhad Qadir- Civil Activist

Juuhaf Aziz- Civil Activist

Mahdi Omer Salih- lecturer

Hemen Hassan Muhamad- lecturer

Halat Rasheed Abdullah- lecturer

Deman Ahmed Saeed- lecturer

Dilan Jamal Qadir- lecturer

Frial Maruf Muhamad-Lawyer

Dr. Qaraman Nadir- lecturer

Zana Taifur- lecturer

Dr. Hoshmand Ali- lecturer

Dr. Ari Anwar ZUbair- lecturer

Ali Ilinjaghi- Veteran Peshmerga

Hakim Peshraw Said Brain- Veteran Peshmerga

Dr. Akram Khamosh- lecturer

Hunar Fazil Rasheed-teacher

Sarkawt Hadi Hama Karim-Veteran Peshmerga

Afan Mahmud Ahmed-teacher

Hawre Muhamad Rasul- lecturer

Zainab Omer Hama Ahmed- lecturer

Shakar Nuri-journalist

Khelan Hussein-Civil Activist

Nian Hakim Akram- lecturer

Shilan Aram Akram lecturer

Jaafar Hama Amin- Veteran Peshmerga

(1) In paragraph (2) Article (10) states: “issuing an order for holding a general election of Kurdistan Parliament and setting a date for election within 15 days from the date of disbanding the parliament or at least 60 days before ending the term of the parliament on condition the date of election should not exceed 60 days after the end term of the election or do not exceed 60 days before the election date.

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